‘An illusion, One we can either submit to – as most do – or transcend.’
“It’s actually really interesting to me. It’s sort of based on the research that’s sort of happening now, about the fact that your genes might be able to hold memory. And you could argue semantics and say it’s instinct, but how does a baby bird know to eat a worm, as opposed to a cockroach, if its parents don’t show it? And it’s about this science company trying to, Matrix-style, go into people’s brains and find out an ancestor who used to be an assassin and sort of locating who that person is.” -Kristen Bell, (IGN, 2006)
Next time on KOS-plays classic games we take a look at a game that started a lie that wearing a hoodie makes you less suspicious.
The beginning of the franchise that made you look at historical buildings on Facebook and comment “I climbed that!” and got you suspended in middle school. The leap of faith that was Assassin’s Creed (2007). We will dive into more than sales and what inspired the creators. No, this time around we will Instead look at a bigger question that the game asks, ” what is a memory?”
Don’t miss this and more from Anne and KOS this week on KOS-Plays Classic Games.