Careful, I’m no rookie. I’m a ten-year vet.

“War… has changed. It’s no longer about nations, ideologies, or ethnicity. It’s an endless series of proxy battles fought by mercenaries and machines. War, and its consumption of life, has become a well-oiled machine. War has changed.” – Solid Snake, Metal Gear Solid 4.

Next time on KOS-plays Classic Games we continue our tour of Japan with a look at one of gaming most beloved, confusing to some, and over the top franchises… Metal Gear Solid. MGS1 was released on September 3, 1998. The theme that crops up constantly in this game is genes. What are we? A combination of life experiences, nature, and nurture, or are we trapped by our genetics? This and many more questions will be explored in our next episode. Stay tuned.

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4 thoughts on “Careful, I’m no rookie. I’m a ten-year vet.

  1. oh my goodness Rick! I was so glad to come across Metal Gear on your blog as it is indeed a classic. I remember playing MGS 4 back when it first came out and it was definitely one of my favorites. I thought it was very clever of you to begin your post with a quote from the game. It really made me think, very cool stuff Rick!

    1. lol, thank you. Metal Gear Solid was my father’s favorite game back in the day and is one of my favorite series.

  2. Hi Rick,

    I’m not familiar with this game at all but I asked my older brother about it and he went on an entire rant about it. It brought back a lot of great memories for him. Great post!

  3. It’s nanomachines!! Metal Gear Solid brings back so many fond memories, undoubtedly one of the greatest gaming series of all time. It is quite sad though what happened between the studio Konami and Hideo Kojima, their fallout killed a behemoth franchise.

    I really liked your choice of opening quote by Solid Snake. It is quite ironic how these quotes reflects a grim picture of the modern day warfare and how we are inching closer and closer towards “nanomachines”.

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